contemporary landscapes – 17th August in Forni di Sopra (Udine)

paesaggi contemporanei, 17 August, forni di sopra

 On Sunday the 17th of August, Dolomiti Contemporanee curates Paesaggi Contemporanei (i.e.: Contemporary Landscapes), a day dedicated to public meetings and reflections on the contemporary landscape. The event is going to take place on the Forni di Sopra Municipality (Udine).

The day’s schedule involves a round table in the morning, and a meeting in the afternoon with the French anthropologist Marc Augé.

The morning’s guests and speakers will discuss together about today’s mountain and its potentialities, analyzing it from different perspectives.
Among the themes that will be tackled, there are the environmental aspects, the physical, social and economical landscapes, management and enterprise, art and cultural innovation, to then get to the anthropological analysis with Marc Augé, exceptional guest, already part of the jury of the international artistic contest two calls for vajont. A series of overlooks, suggestions, reflections on a non-nostalgic or contemplative mountain, on the contemporary mountain, which is alive, and can be an innovative drive.

The event is promoted by the Udine Province, and is hosted by Dolomiti Contemporanee in partnership with the Forni di Sopra Municipality, and in collaboration with the Autonomous Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Dolomiti UNESCO Foundation, the Natural Park of the Friulan Dolomites, and Turismo FVG.


Day’s schedule 

Opening, institutional greetings

Lino Anziutti – Forni di Sopra’s mayor
Pietro Fontanini – Udine Province’s President
Maria Grazia Santoro – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region’s assessor for the infrastructures, mobility, territorial planning, public works, university
Giuseppe Verdichizzi – Assessor for the UNESCO Dolomiti, Pordenone Province


11:00am – 1:00pm
The landscapes of the contemporary mountain, round table
A public confrontation on the themes linked to territory, landscape, culture, economy, tourism of the mountain and the UNESCO Dolomites. A series of different overlooks, open to innovation, through which one means to reflect on the value of the territory  and the landscape as resources, on their perspective, on the regenerative visions that can start from them.

Will partecipate:
Gianluca D’Incà Levis –  Dolomiti Contemporanee’s curator
Marcella Morandini – General Secretary UNESCO Dolomites Foundation
Francesco Marangon – economist of the landscape
Pietro Fontanini – Udine Province’s President
Alessandro Del Puppo – contemporary art historian


4:30pm – 6:00pm
The human is the territory: anthropology of the places, conversation
Conversation between Marc Augé, anthropologist, and Gianluca D’Incà Levis, curator of Dolomiti Contemporanee. The well-known anthropologist Marc Augé will deal with various themes linked to the contemporary landscape, like the human as the manufacturer of the landscape, the anthropology of places, memory and presence, time without age.

Marc Augé is a French sociologist and ethnologist, well-known on an international level. Born in 1935 in Poiteirs, he became renown on a worldwide level for his anthropological research on Western societies. He’s been head of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris.

On 1992, he invented, in the essay “Non-lieux. Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité”, the now famous concept of non-places.

Here the leaflet of the event.



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