twocalls: the results

The results for the International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont, hereby presented, are the outcome of a crossing of the short lists supplied by the jury members, subsequently examined by the Dolomiti Contemporanee’s Inner Committee.
Several jurors proposed some ideas on the ery structure and objectives of the Contest itself, and on its next phases (Jaar, Vettese, Basso Fossali). These proposals will be discussed in the coming weeks.

Below, the complete list of the projects mentioned by the jury members, which were, in turn, selected from the nucleus of finalists pre-selected and published online (75 out of 173 we received, 48 for line and 27 for wall):

Artists mentioned for “a call for a line”:
Carlo Alberto Andreasi
Marta Allegri
Michele Bazzana
Stefano Cagol
Simone Cametti
Luca Chiesura
Cozzarini / Tutta
Giulio Crosara
Alessandro Dal Pont
Flavio Favelli
Dimitri Giannina
Le Dantec / Grazioli
Sandra Hauser
Clara Luiselli
Serena Marzari
Moras / Nan
Andrea Nacciarriti
Tiziana Pers
Silvia Vendramel
Alex Zanella
Virginia Zanetti

Artists mentioned for “a call for a wall”:
Monica Biancardi
Simone Cametti
Alessandro Dal Pont
Dimitri Giannina
Dario Imbò
Studio emfa
Maya Zignone

Artists mentioned for the “Special Prize Line”:
Marco Andrighetto
Le Dantec / Grazioli
Clara Luiselli
Pierluigi Slis
Manuel Urrazza
Zanotto / Piantoni

Artists mentioned for “Special Prize Wall”:
Monica Biancardi
Daniela Di Maro
Isabella Pers

Crossing the original short lists, the following became the  final contenders:

a call for a Line: Nacciarriti, Marzari, Crosara, Giannina, Bazzana, Cozzarini, Zanetti, T. Pers, Favelli, A12, Allegri, Moradavaga, Zanella, Cametti, Hauser, Cagol, Nan/Moras, Vendramel, Dal Pont, Chiesura.
Special prize Line: Urrazza, Zanotto/Piantoni, Andrighetto, Le Dantec, Luiselli, Slis.

a call for a Wall: Cametti, Giannina, Dal Pont, Petripaselli, Pers, Kindergarten, Daniela Di Maro, Colora.
Special prize Wall: Biancardi, I. Pers, Di Maro.


The results of the final crossing of the votes are the following:

Winning project for Special Prize DC-Acqua Dolomia-Line: Mahatsanga Le Dantec/Micol Grazioli, with “tra le linee“.

Winning projet for Special Prize DC-Acqua Dolomia-Wall: ex aequo Daniela Di Maro, with “riflessione estatica“, and Monica Biancardi, with “ritratti“.

Winning project for a call for a wall: Dimitri Giannina with “remrite/rewrite“.

Winning project for a call for a line: Andrea Nacciarriti, with “90°cw“.


Twocalls continues – a note by gianluca d’incà levis, curator of dolomiti contemporanee, creator of the contest.

A new phase, one of approach to the realisation of the winning artworks, will now begin, involving all the necessary steps from an administrative and technical standpoint, the scheduling and creation of executive “construction sites”, which will require the participation of the project’s main partners (enel, acqua dolomia, neonlauro).

The twocalls contest does not end here.
The twocalls contest was, is, and will continue to be, a mobile platform of cultural and critical action, of observation and responsible interaction, of proposal and re-evaluation, in the Vajont area.

The platform is shared, and acted upon, by the people who, by giving value to the approach and sensibility of the contemporary, believe that it will always be possible, and necessary, to rethink the meaning of things, places, landscapes, to constantly redefine them in the present, nourishing them of past materials and the will to move towards a future that must be built every second, with attention, and care, and passion.

The main function of the twocalls contest hasn’t been to pinpoint the two artworks that will be realised on the vajont dam and on the façade of the spazio di casso.
The main objective, from the start, has been to share a path, to initiate a cultural process which could be able to put human energy back into motion, which would violate the confines of inertia imposed on the people of this land by a terrible and paralysing tragedy, which would declare the will and need not to ever admit the definitive crystallisation, for better or worse, of a human, social, historic landscape, into a single, static image, and, as such, one of death; a sentence, an epitaph.
The contest is needed, then, to culturally regenerate an atrophic area, bringing inside it thoughts, ideas, performance,  concepts, words and images from those who have the courage to face a place, and a history, that are so dramatic, refusing to consider this a dry land forever.

In regards of this will-need to move the space of the Vajont, dolomiti contemporanee intends to bring twocalls to an ulterior phase, through which the reflective process on this landscape of the crisis, on its humanity, on its present and future will continue to be alimented.

The works indicated in the results shall be realised, and awarded.
But that won’t mark the end of the project’s potential, which will be kept alive by re-processing it.

The contest itself, during the 18 months of its course, has displayed, and increased, its meaning, progressively defining itself, and creating a new image of the vajont.
The contest has found its nourishment on the reflections, ideas, and shapes of the 180 artists who have taken part in it, and of those who have provided it with their thoughts, work, and words.
The image of the contest isn’t summarized in the two winning artworks, it doesn’t correspond with them alone, but with the entire mass of the thought and action processes which have developed inside it, and that constitute a text, a printed and open book of pictures, a critical genealogy, an activator of interactive processes, a socio-cultural lab, a corpus that is epistemological and poietic at the same time.

Among the reflections that, in these months, have been put on the table, even inside the jury of the contest, some in particular involve a call for a line.

Some projects (Dal Pont/Nan, Cagol, Giannina, Bazzana, and Pers, Allegri, Vendramel, Hauser as well, like others who have forseen the need for video tools), display formal characteristics and interesting ideative processes, that, however, seem to suggest the possibility of a temporary, non-permanent -and, in some cases, performative- presence, or set-up, on the dam.

The reflection started at this point focuses on the possibility of them entering a program of artwork alternation on the dam, which would allow for the continued nourishment of the twocalls’ “construction site” in the coming years.
This will be possible, first of all, if dolomiti contemporanee will continue to work on this location.
The idea of a festival of public and performative art (la linea mobile/the moving line), which may continue to have the dam and the area of the vajont as focus, is what’s beginning to take shape.
The maintenance of the dam (of its identity: the cultural upkeep), is more important of the definition of a unanbiguous project-object.
Maintenance is a constant practice. The process is more imporatn than the artwork.
Culture is a continuous process, one of opening, and not a definitive assertion.
The contest itself, as we say, is made up of a cultural platform of reflection on the vajont and on the meaning of the artistic practice, and of the public art, in this absolutely peculiar context.
This reflection, that is now being open, will be shared with all of those who have taken part in the contest, which, as the selected artworks are in the process of being actualised, starts thus to immediately redefine itself, to keep itself alive.



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